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Wind Farms (32) CR

Crystal Rig Repower

The earliest turbines at Crystal Rig have been turning for over 20 years. We are proposing to take these down and put up new, taller, but fewer, turbines. We are also exploring the potential for solar power and battery storage at the site.

Our proposals will help to ensure that Crystal Rig:

  • Delivers a consistent supply of renewable electricity
  • Brings together complimentary technologies to maximise renewables resources
  • Supports the economy and the community

For further information please visit our dedicated website www.crystalrigwindfarm.co.uk.

Type Hybrid
Status Development
No. of turbines 10
Location East Lothian and the Scottish Borders
Installed capacity 62.5 MW
Energy sources Wind, battery storage, solar power


We are at the very early stages of our proposals. We are undertaking consultation with the community and key stakeholders to gather feedback that will, alongside the results of the technical assessments, inform our design. This will be subject to extensive consultation prior to applying to the Scottish Government for consent.

At this stage we anticipate the plans will involve:

  • Decommissioning 25 turbines
  • Installing up to 10 taller turbines (250m to tip)
  • Exploring the potential to include solar power and battery storage
  • Delivering a community benefit package of £5000 per MW of wind and £500 per MW of solar
  • Generating enough clean energy to power over 50,000 homes

Further information can be found at www.crystalrigwindfarm.com