Windy Standard I Repower

Windy Standard 1 Wind Farm (also known as Brockloch Rig 1) is located 8km North East of Carsphairn and 10km south of New Cumnock and has been operational for over 25 years.

It is the earliest of the three developments that comprise Windy Standard Wind Farm and currently consists of 36 turbines with a tip height of 53.5m and provides 21.6MW of clean electricity.


Windy Standard I Repower

United Kingdom
60 MW
36 turbines
Type of turbines:
600 kW

8 km North East of Carsphairn and 10 km south of New Cumnock, Scotland, DG7 3UF


We recently submitted our proposals to the Scottish Government to repower Windy Standard I Wind Farm. Our plans will:

  • Reduce the number of turbines on the site
  • Increase the generating capacity at the site
  • Share existing infrastructure – including tracks and grid connection

As a result of feedback from the community and statutory consultees we have revised our proposals. The plans now consist of:

  • 8 wind turbines with a tip height of up to 200m
  • Turbine foundations and hardstandings
  • External transformer housing
  • Onsite substation and control building
  • Underground electricity cables between the turbines
  • Access tracks
  • Crane pads
  • Anemometry mast

Have your say

We would like to thank everyone that has taken part in the consultation for our plans to develop our plans to repower Windy Standard Wind Farm. There is now the opportunity to make your representations on the application.

Our plans have been submitted to the Scottish Government. If approved this will enable us to:

  • Remove 36 turbines that have come to the end of their life
  • Install eight modern, taller, turbines in their place

These plans will ensure that Windy Standard Wind Farm is:

  • More efficient
  • More reliable
  • Generates more green energy

We are pleased with the response that our proposals have received and the understanding that our plans will deliver substantial opportunities locally.

Members of the public and consultees are encouraged to have their say on the plans.

You can do this online here

Alternatively, you can email:

Or you can write to:

Energy Consents Unit
5 Atlantic Quay
150 Broomielaw
G2 8LU

All correspondence needs to include the Project Name: Windy Standard I Repower and Reference: ECU00003324

If you have any questions on the application documentation, please contact us by email or call 07435 763 900.

Community benefit

To date, Windy Standard 1 Wind Farm has provided over £500,000 to communities surrounding the wind farm through their community benefit funds. If consented, the repower of Windy Standard Wind Farm will provide over £7.5m throughout the lifespan of the project.

We believe that our proposals can continue to support the local economy and help to meet local aspirations.

We want to work closely with the communities surrounding the wind farm to ensure that the community benefit can address identified local challenges such as housing stock and energy consumption, in addition to recreation, tourism and ecology.

We want to hear your views on how the wind farm can continue to support your community and meet local aspirations. Get in touch

Climbing Wall 16 9

Turbine repurposing

The repowering of Windy Standard 1 Wind Farm will result in the removal of 36 turbines from the site.

This provides the opportunity to consider how we re-use and recycle the materials that we are removing as part of the decommissioning process.

We want to work with the local community and key stakeholders to explore how we can repurpose the turbine blades and bring forward a unique concept for the area – focussing on sustainability and creativity.

We have some very early stage conceptual ideas for repurposing the decommissioned turbines which we hope to discuss in further detail.

We want to hear your views and ideas on how we can help support a circular economy.

Wildlife Hide 16 9
Glamping Pods 16 9

Supply chain

Windy Standard Wind Farm has employed a substantial amount of local services during its construction and operation.

Services that we have employed includes:

  • Local accommodation
  • Plant hire
  • Caterers
  • Groundworks
  • Fencers
  • Concrete and aggregate

If you, or your company, are able to provide any of these services, and more, please get in touch by emailing

The documents that comprise the Environmental Impact Assessment Report are as follows:

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