Fred. Olsen Renewables Ltd is exploring the potential to develop Lethen Wind Farm, on the Lethen Estate, approximately 10km north-west of Grantown-on-Spey.
10 km northwest of Grantown-On-Spey in the Scottish Highlands
Project updates
Fred. Olsen Renewables submitted proposals to the Scottish Government seeking permission to develop Lethen Wind Farm, located 10km north west of Grantown-on-Spey, in January 2022.
In February 2024 the Scottish Government took the decision to refuse the project.
Having been operating for over 25 years, we are truly committed to the delivery of onshore wind projects that support both communities and our natural environment.
Lethen Wind Farm is the result of five years of environmental and technical assessments, alongside extensive local engagement. We believe that the landscape is suitable for accommodating renewable energy development and our proposals have gone through extensive design to minimise any potential adverse impacts.
Having played an integral part in the creation of the Onshore Wind Sector Deal, and actively contributed towards the development of NPF4, Lethen Wind Farm has captured the true spirit of both these policies.
Lethen Wind Farm would deliver over 100MW of clean power. It would also provide biodiversity enhancements and improvements, support community energy efficiency and improve access in a remote area.
The decision taken by the Scottish Government is hugely disappointing and we will be carefully considering our next steps.
Proposed development
Fred. Olsen Renewables has submitted proposals to the Scottish Government seeking permission to develop Lethen Wind Farm, located 10km north west of Grantown-on-Spey.
If consented the plans will make a substantial contribution towards Scotland’s net zero targets, support a sustainable economy and ensure that the local communities directly benefit from the wind farm.
We have been working with key stakeholders and the local community since early 2021 to bring forward our proposals and the feedback that we gathered helped to inform the final design. The plans that we have submitted consist of:
- Up to 17 wind turbines, with a tip height of up to 185m
- Energy Storage Facility
- Turbine foundations and hardstandings
- External transformer housing
- Onsite substation and control building
- Underground electricity cables between the turbines
- Access tracks
- Crane pads
- Anemometry mast
Community consultation
We would like to continue to engage the local community and key stakeholders throughout the consideration of our proposals.
If anyone has any questions about our plans we would welcome the opportunity to:
- Set up a discussion. Text/call 07435 763 900. The team can be on hand to discuss the plans with you, and this includes after 5pm.
- Answer your questions via communities@fredolsen.com
- Provide additional information on memory stick. Send your request to communities@fredolsen.com or text/call 07435 763 900.
If consented, Lethen Wind Farm could provide over £17m in community benefit throughout the lifespan of the project.
We want to ensure that this is utilised to support local aspirations. From speaking to the local community, and exploring their priorities, we understand that fuel poverty and energy efficiency is a priority locally. We want to make it easy for people to consider how they heat their homes, switch to a green tariff or explore insulation.
We are proposing that, as part of our community benefit package, we will create the Lethen Wind
Farm Energy Efficiency Programme. It will support local residents and help them to:
- Reduce energy bills – saving money
- Improve energy consumption
- Increase energy awareness
- Play an active part in Scotland’s drive towards net zero
We want to develop a programme that will:
- Employ an energy efficiency officer locally to provide advice and information
- Address fuel poverty and energy efficiency in local households
- Identify and support those living in fuel poor households
- Provide additional support over and above existing financing mechanisms
- Help to bring forward energy efficiency measures for individual households
- Support a community-wide energy conservation strategy
We are confident that this will be complementary to initiatives underway and will help people to take more steps to become energy efficient – and save money on their electricity bills.
We want to hear your views. Get in touch by emailing communities@fredolsen.com.
Related documents
Application submission
The full suite of application documents can be accessed below. Should you have any questions or require further information please get in touch by emailing communities@fredolsen.com or calling 07435 763 900.
Members of the public and consultees are encouraged to have their say on the plans and this can be undertaken online at https://www.energyconsents.scot/ApplicationDetails.aspx?cr=ECU00002216.