We are exploring the potential to develop Balgray Wind Farm, located approximately 6 km north-east of Lockerbie in Dumfries and Galloway.
Further information can be found at www.balgraywindfarm.co.uk
6 km north-east of Lockerbie in Dumfries and Galloway
We anticipate that we will submit an application to the Scottish Government in late 2025. Ahead of then we are hosting three further public events in November to provide an update on our plans and how they have changed.
The project now consists of six turbines up to 200m to tip alongside battery storage. Once operational it will be capable of delivering over 80MW of green energy and will provide a community benefit fund of more than £7m (index linked) throughout the lifetime of the project.
Residents are encouraged to attend the forthcoming events, where they will have the opportunity to meet with members of the Fred. Olsen Renewables project team, learn about how the plans have changed, examine visual representations of the project and provide their valuable feedback.
For further information and updates please visit www.balgraywindfarm.com.