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Fred. Olsen Renewables

Fred. Olsen Renewables is a developer, owner, and operator in renewable energy with history back to the mid-1990s Based on a solid position in UK and Scandinavia with 12 operating wind farms and one under construction, we are expanding...

Privacy notice

By using this website, you understand and unconditionally accept our disclaimer and privacy notice. This website is owned and operated by Fred. Olsen Renewables AS; a Norwegian company and a subsidiary of Bonheur ASA.  We are focused on...

Site disclaimer

By using this website, you understand and unconditionally accept our disclaimer and privacy policy. The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by Fred. Olsen Renewables...

All projects


We are exploring the potential to develop Balgray Wind Farm, located approximately 6 km north-east of Lockerbie in Dumfries and Galloway. Further information can be found at


Fred. Olsen Renewables is exploring the potential to develop Balnespick Wind Farm, located 5.6 km east of Tomatin and 6.6 km north-west of Carrbridge. For further information please visit our dedicated project website www.balnespickwindf...

Brockloch Rig I

In late 2017, Fred. Olsen Renewables purchased two wind farms (Polwhat Rig and Gallow Rig) from Windy Standard Limited. These wind farms became fully operational in November 1996 and consist of 36 Nordtank wind turbines each of 600 kilow...

Brockloch Rig Wind Farm

Brockloch Rig Wind Farm is located 8 km north-east of Carsphairn and 10 km south of New Cumnock. The project received consent in 2007. This is an addition to the existing Brockloch Rig I which was originally developed by RWE npower renew...

Crystal Rig I

Crystal Rig I wind farm is located on the Lammermuir Hills approximately 40 km east of Edinburgh and 10 km south of Dunbar in the Scottish Borders, adjacent to the boundary with East Lothian.  

Crystal Rig II

Crystal Rig II wind farm received consent on 12 July 2005. Construction started in 2008 and the site was completed in 2010. The 60 Siemens 2.3 MW turbines are positioned predominantly to the west of the existing Crystal Rig wind farm, wi...

Crystal Rig III

Crystal Rig Phase III is the extension to the successful Crystal Rig I and Crystal Rig II wind farms. The extension is on the northern side of Crystal Rig II, 1.3km to the south of the Lothian Edge and 3km north of the summit of Birk Cle...

Crystal Rig IV

Crystal Rig Wind Farm first commenced operation in 2003 and consisted of 25 turbines. By 2025 it will consist of 102 turbines and will generate over 260 MW of clean, green, electricity – capable of powering 200,000 homes. We are moving f...

Crystal Rig Repower

The earliest turbines at Crystal Rig have been turning for over 20 years. We are exploring the potential to replace these with new, taller, but fewer, turbines. Alongside installing solar power and battery storage at the site. Our propos...

Crystal Rig Solar Farm

Fred. Olsen Renewables flagship onshore renewable energy project, Crystal Rig, is located approximately 11km south of Dunbar in East Lothian and 16.5km north-west of Duns, in the Scottish Borders. We are excited about the future and the...


Fred. Olsen Renewables has submitted proposals to develop Culachy Wind Farm, located on the Culachy Estate, south of Fort Augustus. Detailed information on our proposals can be found at


Fred. Olsen Renewables was granted planning consent for Fetteresso Wind Farm in September 2022. The plans will form an extension to Mid Hill Wind Farm and consist of ten turbines. The project will enable the delivery of environmental, so...


We are exploring the potential to develop Invercassley Wind Farm, located approximately 5km northwest of Rosehall, Sutherland.

Lees Hill Renewable Energy Park

Fred. Olsen Renewables is proposing to develop Lees Hill Renewable Energy Park, located 5 km west of Duns. To learn more about our plans and interact with the team please visit our project website


Fred. Olsen Renewables Ltd is exploring the potential to develop Lethen Wind Farm, on the Lethen Estate, approximately 10km north-west of Grantown-on-Spey.

Mid Hill

Mid Hill Wind Farm is located mainly on forestry land in Fetteresso Forest southwest of Aberdeen. It consists of 33 turbines with varying tip heights between 110m and 125m.

Paul's Hill

Paul’s Hill Wind Farm consists of 28 turbines located southwest of Elgin and 15 km west of Charleston of Aberlour. The project construction commenced in January 2004 and the wind farm started full operation in May 2006. The turbines are...

Paul's Hill II

Pauls Hill II was consented in December 2022. The six turbine site, 5km west of Upper Knockando, is an extension of the existing, operational Paul’s Hill Wind Farm. Combined, the 34 turbine wind farm will be capable of producing over 85M...

Rothes I

Rothes I Wind Farm is located close to the city of Elgin on the east coast of Scotland and consists of 22 Siemens 2.3 MW turbines with an installed capacity of 50.6 MW. The wind farm has been operational since 2005. Rothes I is able to p...

Rothes II

Rothes II received consent for 18 turbines in January 2010. The construction of the wind farm commenced in the summer of 2012 and started operating in the second quarter of 2013.

Rothes III

Fred. Olsen Renewables was granted consent by the Scottish Government in October 2022 to develop an extension to Rothes Wind Farm (Rothes III), located 4km west of Rothes.   Our consent for Rothes III Wind Farm consists of 28 turbines of...

Scawd Law

Fred. Olsen Renewables Ltd has submitted proposals to the Scottish Government seeking permission to develop Scawd Law Wind Farm, on the Holylee Estate approximately 4 km north of Walkerburn.

Windy Standard I Repower

Windy Standard 1 Wind Farm (also known as Brockloch Rig 1) is located 8km North East of Carsphairn and 10km south of New Cumnock and has been operational for over 25 years. It is the earliest of the three developments that comprise Windy...

Windy Standard III

Brockloch Rig III Ltd. received in March 2021 approval from Scottish Ministers to construct and operate Windy Standard III. The 20-turbine project is an extension to Windy Standard I and Windy Standard II.


Fred. Olsen Renewables ønsker å øke kraftproduksjonen i Agder ved å etablere et kraftverk i Åmli og Froland kommune som kombinerer vind- og solkraft.


Vind- og solkraftverket vil være lokalisert i fjellområdene mellom Brunane og Luberg, og omfatter areal i både Drangedal og Nome kommuner. Et vind- og solkraftprosjekt i samarbeid med lokale aktører For denne type prosjekter er det...


Digermulen vindkraftverk er planlagt lokalisert ved Digermulfjellet sør for Lággu i Gamvik kommune i Finnmark. Prosjektområdet består av to delområder som til sammen er ca. 28 km2. Prosjektet er et samarbeid mellom Finnmark Kraft (FK) og...


Fløystadfjellet kraftverk er planlagt på fjellområdet Fløystadfjellet - Kamsvågfjellet i Tingvoll kommune. Et vindkraftprosjekt med nasjonal aktør i ryggen Fred. Olsen Renewables ønsker å øke kraftproduksjonen på Nordmøre. Dersom vi...


Høyangerfjell vindkraftverk er planlagt på fjellområdet mellom Høyanger og Viksdalen. Prosjektet har over 30 grunneieravtaler, og kan gi regionen opp mot 2 TWh med ny fornybar kraft. I tillegg kan vertskommunene få over 90 millioner kron...


Kraftverket vil, dersom prosjektet blir godkjent av kommune og NVE, være lokalisert på halvøya mellom Eidsfjorden og Mårøyfjorden i Lebesby kommune. Den vestlige delen av prosjektområdet er allerede regulert til vindkraftformål, med regu...


Fred. Olsen Renewables ønsker å øke kraftproduksjonen i Agder. Dersom det kombinerte vind- og solkraftverket i Bygland blir godkjent, kan det stå klart rundt 2030. Et vind- og solkraftprosjekt med nasjonale aktører i ryggen Fred. Ol...


Lista wind farm is the first wind farm project FOR has constructed in Norway. Lista wind farm consists of 31 Siemens 2.3 MW wind turbine generators (WTG) with a hub height of 80 metres and a rotor diameter of 93 metres. The site’s total...

Sem solkraftverk

Sem solkraftverk er planlagt på Akersmyra i Tønsberg og Sandefjord kommuner.


Simonstad solkraftverk er planlagt i Åmli kommune, helt nordøst i Agder på grensen mot Telemark og nær grensen mot Vegårshei kommune.


Fred. Olsen Renewables ønsker å øke kraftproduksjonen i Agder ved å etablere et kraftverk i Evje og Hornnes som kombinerer vind- og solkraft.

Vågå energipark

Vågå energipark, som kombinerer vind- og solkraft, er planlagt i Vågå kommune som et bidrag til å øke kraftproduksjonen i Innlandet.


Fäbodliden Wind Farm is located approximately 15 km northeast of the Municipality of Vindeln with the closest villages being Risliden, Kamsjön and Buberget. The wind farm was put into operation in 2015 and consists of 24 Vestas V112 turb...

Fäbodliden II

Fäboliden II is an extension to the existing Fäbodliden wind farm and is located approximately 15 km northeast of the Municipality of Vindeln with the closest villages being Risliden, Kamsjön and Buberget. The wind farm was put into oper...


Den planerade vindparken är belägen vid Frägnberget norr om Överhogdal i Härjedalens kommun, Jämtlands län.


Fred. Olsen Renewables AB utreder förutsättningarna för ny vindkraft i Hultsfreds kommun.


Den planerade vindparken är belägen cirka 5 km sydost om Horn i Kinda kommun.


Högaliden wind farm is located approximately 1.5 km north of the village of Botsmark in the northern part of the Municipality of Umeå. The wind farm consists of 25 wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 200 m. Construction started in...


Den planerade vindkraftparken på Jiltjaurberget är belägen ca 30km väster om Sorsele centralort. Projektet omfattar upp till 72 vindkraftverk med en högsta totalhöjd om 270m.


Den planerade vindparken är belägen cirka 15 km väster om Taberg i Jönköpings kommun.


Den planerade vindparken är belägen cirka 5 km norr om Rockneby i Kalmar kommun.


Den planerade vindparken är belägen cirka 2 kilometer syd/sydväst om Falerum i Åtvidabergs kommun och cirka 12 kilometer nordväst om Överum i Västerviks kommun.


Fred. Olsen Renewables AB utreder förutsättningarna för etablering av ny vindpark i Norrbotten Fred. Olsen Renewables AB undersöker möjligheterna till etablering av en vindpark benämnd Palojärvi, cirka 12 kilometer väster om Haparan...


Den planerade vindparken Röjmyrberget är belägen ca 10km nordväst om Flarken, mellan Degerfors och Kålaboda i Robertsfors kommun.


Den planerade vindparken Röknölen är belägen cirka 2 km norr om orten Höljes i den norra delen av Torsby kommun. Området bedöms kunna rymma upp till 57 vindkraftverk.

Stora Vädern

Den planerade vindparken är belägen cirka 20 kilometer väster om Oskarshamn centralort. 


Den planerade vindkraftparken på Yttre och Inre Verkanliden ligger cirka 13 km sydväst om Storuman. Idag finns ett tillstånd att uppföra maximalt 27 vindkraftverk med en totalhöjd på 210 meter.


"Full lifecycle" Fred. Olsen Renewables are involved in all phases in the development of a wind project— wildlife and environmental assessments, meteorological prospecting, permitting and forging agreements with communities and individua...


Our project management skills, combined with more than 20 years of wind farm development, construction and operation experience, are used when engineering, procuring and managing construction projects. When the national authority has giv...


A major contributor to renewable energy production Fred. Olsen Renewables own and operate 12 wind farms with over 300 turbines in UK, Norway, and Sweden.  The wind energy production in 2022 corresponds to a Green House Gas (GHG) red...


About us

Fred. Olsen Renewables is an energy producer delivering clean and sustainable electricity to the European grid We are now operating 12 wind farms with 342 wind turbines in Scotland, Norway and Sweden. Fred. Olsen Renewables currently hav...

Our company

Fred. Olsen Renewables is a leading developer, owner and operator of renewable energy assets, primarily onshore wind farms. We operate in all parts of the energy value chain, from sourcing wind farm acreage to the sale of electricity in...

Our history

Fred. Olsen Renewables is 100% owned by the Norwegian stock listed company Bonheur ASA, which is managed by Fred. Olsen & Co. and controlled by the Fred. Olsen family. From the proud shipping heritage dating back to 1848, we are now...


Fred. Olsen Renewables (FOR) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bonheur ASA and we are responsible for the group’s renewable energy activities. To find out more about Bonheur ASA and our financial structure, you can follow this link to our...


At Fred. Olsen Renewables we take our environmental responsibilities just as seriously as we do generating electricity We have a strong commitment to develop renewable energy sources both as a sound business model as well as a genuine su...


Our HSEQ policy: We are committed to be recognised as a leading organisation for Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) management. We are committed to the protection of personnel, the environment, and equipment. In fulfilling th...


Pictures & videos

A selection of our photos are available for viewing/download below All images © Fred. Olsen Renewables

Contact us

Fred. Olsen Renewables' Headquarters are located in Oslo, approximately 3 minutes’ walk from Oslo Central Station. Oslo Airport Gardermoen is located about 50 km north of the city. We recommend the Airport Express Train, which takes you...

News archive

Trig acquires 49% of FOR UK Wind Farm Portfolio

Trig acquires 49% of FOR UK Wind Farm Portfolio Date: June 25, 2015 Fred. Olsen Renewables has completed the sale of a 49% share of its UK operating portfolio of 433 MW installed capacity to UK based infrastructure fund The Renewables I...

Pedal power meets wind power at the launch of Poppyscotland's Sportive

Date: July 7, 2015 Poppyscotland supporters got on their bikes at Crystal Rig Windfarm, near Dunbar, today (Tuesday 7th July) to launch the charity’s 2015 East Lothian Sportive, which will take place on Sunday 27th September.

New War Memorial funded by Rothes 1

New War Memorial funded by Rothes 1 Date: December 3, 2015 A new War Memorial has been built in Moray and funded by Rothes 1 Wind Farm Fund. The memorial in the style of a cairn is outside Spynie Village hall and is in memory of th...

Fred.Olsen Renewables sponsors record breaking Sportive

Date: December 3, 2018 Fred. Olsen Renewables is delighted to announce that the 5th Poppyscotland Sportive has raised a total of £85,000, making it their most successful Sportive to date. The annual mass participation cycling event attr...

Fred. Olsen Renewables renews sponsorship of Poppyscotland’s Sportive

Date: March 5, 2019 Fred. Olsen Renewables has renewed its sponsorship with Poppyscotland to continue supporting the charity’s Sportive event. One thousand cyclists are expected to take part this year, and the event has raised over £200...

Fred. Olsen Renewables was delighted to be the main sponsor of the Cairngorm to Coast with Outfit Moray Event

Date: June 3, 2019 On the 25th of May 2019 Fred. Olsen Renewables was delighted to be the main sponsor of the Cairngorm to Coast with Outfit Moray Event. Cairngorm to Coast (aka C2C) is a 100km hike and bike challenge that takes pl...

Fred. Olsen Renewables sponsored the Poppy Scotland Sportive event just days away

Date: September 16, 2019 The Poppy Scotland Sportive event sponsored by Fred. Olsen Renewables is set to return to East Lothian on Sunday, 29th September 2019, for a sixth year. One of Scotland’s top cycling events it has already raised...

FOSEG støtter årets TV-aksjon med NOK 100.000 og ønsker å bidra å bekjempe plast i havet

Date: October 19, 2020 Fred. Olsen Renewables AS’ sitt morselskap Bonheur ASA har satt det å støtte samfunnsnyttige formål i et system gjennom gruppen Fred. Olsen Social Engagement Group (FOSEG). FOSEG støtter årets TV-aksjon med 100.00...

Fred. Olsen Renewables og Hafslund Eco lanserer havvindsamarbeid

Date: November 20, 2020 Fred. Olsen Renewables og Hafslund Eco lanserer havvindsamarbeid. Det er klart etter at de to selskapene signerte en samarbeidsavtale i dag, tirsdag. Partnerskapet skal i første omgang jobbe med å søke konsesjone...

Ørsted joins consortium with Fred. Olsen Renewables and Hafslund Eco

Date: June 9, 2021 Ørsted joins consortium with Fred. Olsen Renewables and Hafslund Eco establishing a long-term partnership to develop offshore wind in Norway and to compete in Norway’s upcoming application round for offshore wind areas.

Fred. Olsen Renewables and Vattenfall enter into partnership for offshore wind in Scotland

Date: June 25, 2021 Fred. Olsen Renewables and Vattenfall have today entered into a partnership on a 50/50 basis in order to bid in the upcoming leasing round for offshore wind in Scotland.

Could Scotland's unwanted wind turbines be turned into playparks?

Could Scotland's unwanted wind turbines be turned into playparks? Date: October 5, 2021 When wind turbines are coming to the end of their functional life the old turbines are set to be replaced by more powerful machines. But what happen...

ScotWind partnership cements commitment to Scottish supply chain

Date: October 28, 2021 Fred. Olsen Renewables and Vattenfall Joint Venture enter into agreements with key Orkney organisations.

ScotWind partnership signs up to support students at the University of the Highlands and Islands

Date: December 2, 2021 Fred. Olsen Renewables and Vattenfall Joint Venture establish Future Leaders Fund empowering students to pursue renewables careers

Lethen Wind Farm plans submitted to the Scottish Government

Lethen Wind Farm plans submitted to the Scottish Government Date: January 7, 2022 Fred. Olsen Renewables has submitted an application to the Scottish Government to develop Lethen Wind Farm Fred. Olsen Renewables has applied to the...

Fred. Olsen Seawind and Vattenfall successful bidder in the Crown Estate Scotland’s ScotWind offshore leasing round

Date: January 17, 2022 Fred. Olsen Seawind and Vattenfall partnership allocated an east coast floating offshore wind site in ScotWind

Fred. Olsen Renewables cements commitment to local college students

Fred. Olsen Renewables cements commitment to local college students Date: May 10, 2022 Fred. Olsen Renewables to support future training of wind turbine technicians

Fred. Olsen Renewables and ReBlade form partnership to tackle turbine waste

Date: June 8, 2022 Fred. Olsen Renewables, and ReBlade have today (8 June 2022) announced that they have formed an innovative partnership to explore solutions for reusing turbine blades from Windy Standard Wind Farm, near Carsphairn in...

Partnership formed to support future wind farm safety training

Date: August 12, 2022 Fred. Olsen Renewables and Ayrshire training company team up to use decommissioned turbine parts in course delivery

Renewables firm supports Leithen Vale Sports Club junior team

Date: August 31, 2022 Leithen Vale Sports Club Under 13 football team receives support from Fred. Olsen Renewables

Planning consent granted for Fetteresso Wind Farm

Date: September 22, 2022 Fred. Olsen Renewables has been granted planning consent for Fetteresso Wind Farm

Planning consent for Rothes III Wind Farm extension

Date: October 21, 2022 Fred. Olsen Renewables has been granted planning consent for Rothes III Wind Farm extensio

Scawd Law Wind Farm plans submitted

Date: January 10, 2023 Submitted proposal set to deliver substantial social and economic opportunities.

Windy Standard repowering plans submitted to Scottish Government

Date: January 12, 2023 Leading independent renewable developer Fred. Olsen Renewables has applied to the Scottish Government for permission to repower Windy Standard Wind Farm.

Fred. Olsen Renewables steps back from Moray wind farm site

Fred. Olsen Renewables steps back from Moray wind farm site Date: February 9, 2023 Announcing that they will not be progressing with the development of Glenfiddich Wind Farm Leading independent renewable energy generator, Fred. Ols...

Melding om Simonstad Solkraftverk på høring

Date: September 1, 2023 Fred. Olsen Renewables har sendt melding om Simonstad Solkraftverk til NVE.

Culachy Wind Farm plans submitted to the Scottish Government

Culachy Wind Farm plans submitted to the Scottish Government Date: December 4, 2023 Fred. Olsen Renewables has submitted proposals to the Scottish Government for permission to develop Culachy Wind Farm Fred. Olsen Renewables has su...

Fred. Olsen Renewables welcomes Sofie Olsen Jebsen as its new CEO

Fred. Olsen Renewables welcomes Sofie Olsen Jebsen as its new CEO Date: January 10, 2024 Fred. Olsen Renewables welcomes Sofie Olsen Jebsen as its new CEO. She succeeds Ivar Brandvold following his planned retirement as CEO, after which...

Podcast med Fred. Olsen Renewables

Date: February 22, 2024 Vindkraft går – som all annen energiproduksjon – utover natur. Hvordan kan dette rettferdiggjøres?

New analysis demonstrates growing renewables economic impact

Date: March 6, 2024 New report from Fred. Olsen Renewables finds wind farms responsible for delivering wide-ranging economic benefits to the Scottish economy, including 866 jobs, millions of pounds of community benefit funds and local s...

Laksefjorden vindkraftverk - oppstart av planarbeid og høring av planprogram

Date: March 13, 2024 Fred. Olsen Renewables og Finnmark Kraft igangsetter områderegulering for utvidelse av Laksefjorden vindkraftverk i Lebesby kommune i Finnmark.

Planinitiativ for Fløystadfjellet kraftverk sendt inn

Date: March 21, 2024 Fred. Olsen Renewables har sendt inn et planinitiativ for Fløystadfjellet kraftverk til Tingvoll kommune.

Fred. Olsen Renewables are recruiting

Fred. Olsen Renewables are recruiting Date: April 3, 2024 We have several openings in Norway and Sweden Fred. Olsen Renewables are recruiting for a range of applications in the Oslo office as well as in Jönköping and Umeå, Swe...

Bli med inn i ett av våre vindkraftverk!

Date: April 3, 2024 En av våre teknikere på Lista Vindkraftverk forteller i denne videoen litt om vindkraftverket vi har i Farsund kommune, og du får se bilder av både drift av turbiner, veinett, og høre om hvordan vindkraftverket samek...

Fred. Olsen Renewables submits plans for first Scottish hybrid scheme

Date: April 18, 2024