Fred. Olsen Renewables has submitted proposals to develop Culachy Wind Farm, located on the Culachy Estate, south of Fort Augustus.
Detailed information on our proposals can be found at www.culachywind.co.uk.
Culachy Estate, south of Fort Augustus
About the project
We submitted our application to develop Culachy Wind Farm to the Scottish Government in November 2023. All of the documents can be found by following this link: Scottish Government - Energy Consents Unit - Application Details.
If consented, the plans will bring forward a development consisting of eight turbines up to 200m high to tip - generating 57MW of clean electricity and delivering a £9m community benefit fund over the project’s operational life.
Have your say
Members of the public and consultees are encouraged to have their say on the plans.
You will be able to do this online by following the link Scottish Government - Energy Consents Unit - Application Details.
Alternatively, you can email Econsents_Admin@gov.scot
Or you can write to:
Energy Consents Unit
5 Atlantic Quay
150 Broomielaw
G2 8LU
All correspondence needs to include the Project Name: Culachy Wind Farm and Reference: ECU00003423.
If you have any questions on the application documentation, please contact us by email communities@fredolsen.com or call 07435 763 900.
Local benefits
We believe that Culachy Wind Farm can be an asset to the local area, and we would like to start a conversation with the local community and key stakeholders about how we can develop a project that will help to support the local economy as well as actively contribute towards Scotland, and the UK’s, renewable energy aspirations.
Culachy Wind Farm is expected to deliver a substantial community benefit fund throughout the lifespan of the project. This is anticipated to be over £280,000 per year – more than £9m over the lifespan of the wind farm.
Further information can be found at www.culachywind.co.uk
Please get in touch by emailing communities@fredolsen.co.uk
Local suppliers
We are pleased that our operational projects in Scotland have managed to employ a range of local services, helping to maximise the local economic opportunities of our wind farms.
We are committed to:
- Ensuring that our main contractors will spend at least 30% of the contract value locally
- Incentivising all contractors to use local content
We want to:
- Engage the supply chain
- Learn about the skills/services available locally
- Ensure that businesses are best prepared to tender
If you, or your company, are interested in the opportunities available please get in touch by emailing suppliers@fredolsen.co.uk
Document library
Application submission
The full suite of application documents can be accessed below.