
Fred. Olsen Renewables was granted planning consent for Fetteresso Wind Farm in September 2022. The plans will form an extension to Mid Hill Wind Farm and consist of ten turbines. The project will enable the delivery of environmental, social and economic benefits, including a substantial community benefit fund. 



United Kingdom
10 turbines

Near Fetteresso Forest, Aberdeenshire

Project overview

In September 2022 Scottish Ministers approved the application by Fred. Olsen Renewables to develop Fetteresso Wind Farm in Aberdeenshire. The plans will form an extension to Mid Hill Wind Farm and consist of ten turbines. The project will enable the delivery of environmental, social and economic benefits, including a substantial community benefit fund. 

Mid Hill Wind Farm is located in Fetteresso Forest, southwest of Aberdeen. The development currently consists of 33 turbines generating 75.9MW of power. The newly consented, Fetteresso Wind Farm, will consist of up to ten turbines ranging from 149m to 200m to tip. Combined the two projects will generate over 100MW.

We will work closely with the local community and decision makers to deliver this project.

If you have any questions please contact communities@fredolsen.com for further information.

Community benefit

We believe that there are many opportunities for local residents to benefit from Fetteresso Wind Farm.

We will be working closely with the community to design a community benefit fund that will support local and regional aspirations. We hope that this will support local and regional aspirations – helping to support ongoing local initiatives and address key challenges.


Notice of Decision

Notice of Submission of the Additional Information can be viewed here:

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