Logo Renewables Neg
Wind Farms (18) FAB


At Fred. Olsen Renewables we take our environmental responsibilities just as seriously as we do generating electricity

We have a strong commitment to develop renewable energy sources both as a sound business model as well as a genuine support of the shift to a decarbonised society.

Sustainability at a glance:

  • We own and operate 12 wind farms with 342 turbines in Norway, Sweden and UK. Our capacity is 805 MW
  • Our energy production was 1.8 TWh in 2023
  • We covered the electricity needs of ~510 000 households
  • An estimated 450 000 tonnes CO2 were avoided by our renewable energy production and our CO2 reduction initiatives
  • Our Green House Gas emissions were 5 400 tCO2eq in 2023
  • Our EU Taxonomy score is '100% Aligned'
  • We were 87 employees in 2023. Together with our 3rd party personnel, 179 man-years were generated

Relevant policies:
Sustainability Policy Code of Conduct Policy HSEQ Policy 

Activity duty - Equality and anti-discrimination Act
(Likestillings- og diskrimineringsloven, Aktivitets- og redegjørelsesplikten)
Equality And Anti Discrimination

Transparency - fundamental human rights and decent working conditions
Transparency (Åpenhetsloven)

Modern Slavery Act 2015
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy Modern Slavery Statement

It is embedded in our company culture to maintain a sustainable business model and to minimise the environmental footprint in all our activities