At Fred. Olsen Renewables we take our environmental responsibilities just as seriously as we do generating electricity
We have a strong commitment to develop renewable energy sources both as a sound business model as well as a genuine support of the shift to a decarbonised society.
Sustainability at a glance:
- We own and operate 12 wind farms with 342 turbines in Norway, Sweden and UK. Our capacity is 805 MW
- Our energy production was 1.8 TWh in 2023
- We covered the electricity needs of ~510 000 households
- An estimated 450 000 tonnes CO2 were avoided by our renewable energy production and our CO2 reduction initiatives
- Our Green House Gas emissions were 5 400 tCO2eq in 2023
- Our EU Taxonomy score is '100% Aligned'
- We were 87 employees in 2023. Together with our 3rd party personnel, 179 man-years were generated
Relevant policies:
Activity duty - Equality and anti-discrimination Act
(Likestillings- og diskrimineringsloven, Aktivitets- og redegjørelsesplikten)
Transparency - fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.
Modern Slavery Act 2015
Modern Slavery Statement